Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what type of music you perform; to progress, you will, at some point, undoubtedly need to engage the services of a promoter and record company. The long history of the music industry is littered with artists who did not negotiate the right deals and consequently lost royalties and the rights to their own songs. If you are personally fortunate enough to have a top-selling album or single, then this could run into thousands or even millions of dollars in missing income.

How to Secure the Right Deal

Before proceeding with any legal agreement, you will need to consider using the services of Precisely, who deal with all manner of legal contracts online at minimal costs. As you grow, you will no doubt need to employ bigger road crews, and since these people will all work for you or your company, they will each need to have a contract of employment. When it comes to profit sharing of sales and music rights, you will need well-negotiated deals to ensure everyone gets a fair share. You will no doubt need a manager to take care of the everyday business, and again a legal document will be required to ensure fairness to all parties. It is here that the Precisely program can assist you with all legally binding agreements.

Why Consider Precisely?

By using an online service, you can save on costly legal fees, which are especially important when you first begin your music career, when funds and cashflows can be challenging. Precisely will manage the whole flow of contract management. This company will research your needs and suggest templates that can be used over and over again. This will save you time and lots of money on admin. Because the process is online, it can be done anywhere in the world, avoiding the need for office-based staff.

Precisely can then register the contracts and store them automatically on the Cloud. Since everything can be signed online, you don’t need to physically attend an office or workplace to get the deal done. They can even be negotiated while you are on extensive world tours. The system will then monitor the contract dates and notify you of important milestones such as expiry dates.

You can rest assured that all agreements are legally binding. The Precisely program allows you to:

  • Have instant access to your contracts anywhere in the country via an internet connection
  • Stay in control by receiving regular notifications
  • Automate the contract process from start to finish


To be successful in a music-orientated environment, you need to not only be able to perform and write great tunes but also ensure you have the right people around you. Never work on trust since often relationships can turn in an instant. You can book a demo or try Precisely online for a 14-day free trial before you commit to purchase. Remember choosing the right deals could make or break your future career in the music business.